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Parent Counseling  

Parent Counseling is a psycho-educational process that usually lasts a short period of time 1-24 months, focusing exclusively on the parent-child relationship.


Parent Counseling is suitable for  parents or parents-to-be preparing themselves for this new role (e.g. during pregnancy).


During counseling sessions and while parents negotiate their parental role, it is likely that deeper emotional issues will arise. In that case, organized psychotherapy might be useful in order for the parents to be properly supported and to develop themselves as a whole. In parallel parent counseling and psychotherapy sessions we ensure the emotional stability and self-confidence of the parents in both their role as parents and other significant roles in their lives that are intertwined (the role of the employee, partner, caregiver, etc.).

Some parent counseling meetings might be held with the joint presence of the parent and child in order to observe, analyze and/or gradually repair their relationship.

Issues to work through Parent Counseling

Coping with emotional fatigue |

Parents often feel tired and/or insecure about their relationship with their child and their ability to be present in his life practically and emotionally. The demanding rhythm of everyday life, the multiple roles we need to serve and unexpected life events that may arise, all work as a burden and can cause emotional fatigue. Counseling can encourage the parent to showcase his/her abilities, and guide him/her through matters relating to their relationship with and care of their child.


Realistic expectations and avoidance of comparison |

The acknowledgement of the child's skills and virtues, the encouragement and consolation for his possible failures on the part of the parents, builds the first self-perception of the child. In other words, the parent acts as a mirror and as a model for the child,  taking care of himself and also responding appropriately to his child, having realistic expectations, avoiding comparing the child to other children in the family or the environment.

Every child has its own unique potential, evolutionary pace and maximum degree of psychic development.


Accepting and managing the child's individuality |

Many parents refuse to acknowledge the individuality of their children when it comes to any potential learning or developmental difficulties, socialization issues, or other medical issues. Parents need to manage their feelings of grief, anxiety, fear, or shame for any expecations (of the parents, family, school, friends) their children do not accomplish. Nevertheless, without information and communication with specialized scientists, the problem persists, making everyday life and overall health of the child more difficult.

In other cases, parents are unable to respond appropriately to the emotional reactions or desires of the child, refusing to recognize that it is a separate person with a different way of thinking and self-perception. The way we respond varies depending on the age of the child, which gradually becomes more and more autonomous.


Encouraging curiosity and exploration |

It is  characteristic for children to make questions, be passionate to explore and discover the world and their place in it. They are also likely to repeat questions that have already been answered, which can make parents nervous or irritated. It is important that the answers we give to children are complete and pronounced slowly and steadily, even repeatedly if necessary. The repetition is of a pedagogic nature, and their questions should be welcomed even if they seem unreasonable. The curiosity, the charm of exploration and the effort to gain knowledge is crucial important to be encouraged from an early age.


Educational activities |

Educational activities beyond school, such as sports, art, etc., contribute to the intellectual and emotional development of the child. It is important to provide such incentives to children so that they can discover ways of expressing themselves. It is important for children to be treated with love and be rewarded for their skills and achievements.


Exploring and developing our parental role |

Sometimes parents' way of thinking or communicating with their children might be a  reproduction of the upbringing model they experienced by their parents. There are times this upbringing model feels given rather than consciously chosen by and suitable to them. The parents jointly with the therapist can reshape their personal parenting style,  discerning and questioning the elements of their parents upbringing model and recreating their own repertoire, values, and emotional expressiveness. 


Couple's cooperation & shared parental goals |

During their communication with the child each parent is important to respond following the same mutually agreed rules and limits, avoiding double (conflicting or opposite) messages. If parents' responses to the child’s requests differ, this can create a sense of confusion and instability. It is important for parents to discuss, negotiate and jointly decide on matters relating to childcare and upbringing.

Parent Counseling can help to coordinate and bridge the differences that arise in a couple due to different mentalities or during and after a divorce, having a positive effect on their relationship with the child and his/her emotional development.

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